Smart Notify
Smart Notify platform makes it possible to engage in-store shoppers and augment their shopping visits. Create a unique digital experience: offer your customers deals, product info, games, social sharing opportunities, and any other mobile companion content. Our detailed analytics will enable you to optimize your messaging based on what is most effective with shoppers. The Smart Notify platform even delivers second-screen companion content for Television, broadcasts, and live events.
When a customer enters a store, welcome them with the day’s offerings, suggest products they might like, offer loyalty program benefits, and so much more. As they continue to explore, deliver content that relates to the products nearest to them and relevant to their loyalty history, infusing the retail space with the endless power of digital media.
And with Smart Notify beacons and CMS, you have total control over when, where, and how content is delivered and your shoppers are engaged.
To top it all off, Smart Notify beacons reach all Androids, iPhones, and even all devices with Bluetooth turned off, allowing Smartphone users to participate in your proximity-based media.